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Let's talk
Saulo Santana
Berlin & Potsdam, Germany

California love?


Last week I was in San Francisco, for the annual workshop of the Society for News Design.

Nice talks. Many developers. Interesting projects. But, during the conference, I asked myself many times: are we loosing the way that journalism should follow?

As a visual journalist, I always say that the new digital era should serve journalism and not the other way around.

I am afraid of data visualisations that don’t answer me anymore the basic questions that I have. I am afraid of websites with amazing tools, but that disturb me to understand a simple journalistic information. Afraid of mobile apps that make strange sounds and are cold, almost freezing, and don’t bring me anything. This is definitely not the future of journalism.

Once I learned that an infographic or any newspaper page works, when it answers our basic questions. All the rest is something else, but not journalism.