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Let's talk
Saulo Santana
Berlin & Potsdam, Germany

I’ve never seen such a copy of my work

In the last years, in the more than 30 newspapers and magazined I have worked for, I saw covers, pages and infographics that I did, copied by other publications. I always took this as a praise, but this case now went too far.

A publication called ABC, from Poland, copied basically the entire graphic project I developed for Bild am Sonntag. Yesterday I saw the original newspaper from them and its unbelievable what they did. Formats, elements, borders, boxes, colors…..etc etc.

This was an entire year of work, tests and nights trying to figure out the best solutions for the biggest sunday newspaper in Europe, and they copied just like this? This time I felt in somehow stolen.

I selected some very few things to post here (although there are many more):


Bild_ABC_1 Bild_ABC_2 Bild_ABC_3 Bild_ABC_4 Bild_ABC_5 Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 16.55.52 Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 16.56.02 Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 17.00.37 Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 17.00.43 Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 17.10.30