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Let's talk
Saulo Santana
Berlin & Potsdam, Germany

Rethinking the ordinary


Rethink: this word should be written in capital letters on the wall of every newsroom. Take ordinary type of stories and translate them visually into extraordinary examples is an obligation for any print media nowadays.

For the last edition of Bild am Sonntag, we had the final of the “Dschungel-Camp” (reality show in Germany watched for more than 8 million people).

We wanted to tell the story of the entire program. How could we do it in order to don’t do the same of the past years and put together  50 photos with subtitles and lot of text?

Comics! A language that fits to the topic, to our product, public, and a different and attractive way of storytelling.

What would have been a challenging visual problem to show lot of photos, came into a great result and repercussion.

For this job i hired Kleber Sales, from Brazil, who I had in my team when I was Art Director of Correio Braziliense. Despite of being one of the best illustrators that I have ever worked with, Kleber accept the challenge to do all 35 illustrations in almost 24 hours. Great job. And great to count on with so talented and passionate people, like Kleber, who painted this master pieces in his aquarelle style.

Second Page

Second Page

Third page

Third page

Illustration in progress,  by kleber

Illustration in progress, by kleber