I am honored to had the oportunity to redesign and rethink the biggest european sport Magazine: Sport Bild, “Europas Nummer Eins!” (like they, proudly, say).
During the last months, together with the Editor in Chief Matthias Bruegelmann, we took a look at the magazine from cover to last page and analyzed sections, storytelling processes and how the power of sport content could be made more atractive, easier to find and more enjoyable to read. Despite of a completely redesign, the structure of the magazine was rethought and it got also new sections.
In a time where readers are already full of informations and dont offer you so much time, the power of visual storytelling is a tool that gives to stories a more interesting and understandable approach (sometimes even a 3rd look to a story, that was still not explored).
Here, some pages of the new Sport Bild.